Rügener Kabarett-Regatta 2024 - CHRISTIAN SCHULTE-LOH

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Christian Schulte-Loh
Bus or Train

Christian Schulte-LohPhoto: sector3

"Bankruptcy Royal - The future is golden"

September 23 and 24, 2024 at 7.30 p.m

Bankruptcy Royal - The future is golden” Christian Schulte-Loh is “German – but funny” (Der Spiegel). In his new program, the comedian, who was “trained” in London, looks to the future. He talks about flying cars in left-hand traffic, German sausages, British peculiarities and the question of whether we Germans aren't just as crazy as the English. Known on TV from “Nuhr im Erste”, “Genial Neben”, “Markus Lanz”, “Quatsch Comedy Club”, “Nightwash” and many more. “Schulte-Loh impresses with British humor. Intoxicating and refreshingly charming.« (WAZ)
